Instead, pass the executable path and parameters to the call operator separately. Check the spelling of the name, or if a path was included, verify that the path is correct and try again. & : The term 'Get-Service -Name Spooler' is not recognized as the name of a cmdlet, function, script file, or operable program. This means that you cannot use command parameters within a string when you use the call operator. The call operator does not parse strings. I believe this is explained by the following section of about_Operators. In testing it appears that it is treating $Runcmd - both executable path and parameters - as one complete executable path to execute. PS> G:\BEKDocs\NonInstPrograms\NirSoft圆4\searchmyfiles.exe /config "G:\BEKDocs\TestSMF.cfg" /StartSearch /ExplorerCopy /stext "G:\BEKDocs\TestSMF.txt" Result: No file created no Error messages displayed.

PS> G:\BEKDocs\NonInstPrograms\NirSoft圆4\Searchmyfiles.exe /config "G:\BEKDocs\TestSMF.cfg" /StartSearch /ExplorerCopy /stex Try to Execute the command from History. G:\BEKDocs\NonInstPrograms\NirSoft圆4\Searchmyfiles.exe /config "G:\BEKDocs\TestSMF.cfg" /StartSearch /ExplorerCopy /stex Results: No file Created no Error messages displayed. $MyArgs = " `/config `"G:\BEKDocs\TestSMF.cfg`" `/StartSearch `/ExplorerCopy `/stext `"G:\BEKDocs\TestSMF.txt`"" $RunCmd = Join-Path -Path "$ExecutionPath" -ChildPath "$PgmName"

PS> $ExecutionPath = "G:\BEKDocs\NonInstPrograms\NirSoft圆4" I know this is a problem in how I'm passing the arguments but I can't figure it out as it looks like I've successfully escaped the characters that might cause a problem.